
How can I support my jobless partner?

July 10th, 2010

Question: My partner was made redundant three months ago. He has recently become very withdrawn and depressed, despite working hard to get another job. How can I help keep his spirits up during his job search?

My benefit has run out and the Job Centre want me to be a cleaner!

January 17th, 2010

Question:I was an £80k a year professional, made redundant last summer. I’ve just had my six-month interview with the Job Centre and been told my jobseekers allowance (JSA) benefit is being ceased. That means no money unless I qualify for means-tested benefits. They also said I now have to apply for any job – I can no longer only apply only for managerial jobs. They have sent me for an interview as a cleaner. Can they do this?

Experience, but no qualifications

September 13th, 2009

Question: Despite having no formal qualifications, I grew with the hotel chain I joined at 17, becoming a sales manager, and eventually an area sales director. Now that we’ve been taken over, I’ve been let go. I have no idea how to start with my CV – if it’s all about what exams I’ve got, it’s going to look rather bare!

Volunteer for many reasons

September 12th, 2009

Question: I am getting so bored at home while I’m out of work. I’ve heard the local hospital radio need DJs. Do you think voluntary work is a good idea, or is it just a waste of time?

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